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阅读理解。 On the first day of class, Smith's foreign students fill in forms and give the information about themselves. Name: Claude Country: Germany (德国) Native Language (本族语): German Time in the USA: 9 months Family: I live with my parents. Work: I used to be an art teacher in Germany. But now I'm working in a company. Interests: I love painting. I like music, too. Name: Li Ming Country: China Native Language: Chinese Time in the USA: 2 years Family: I have one son. He is studying in China. My wife is an English teacher. Work: I was a math teacher, but now I'm a cook. Interests: I like cooking. I also like sports, such as basketball, table tennis and so on. Name: Carolina Country: Russia Native Language: Russian Time in the USA: 4 years Family: I live with my husband and 2 children. Work: I was a basketball player, but now I'm a teacher. Interests: I love sports. I like traveling. Name: Kalumi Country: Japan Native Language: Japanese Time in the USA: 3 months Family: My family, my parents and 4 brothers and sisters, all live in Japan. I'm here by myself. Work: I worked as a nurse in my country. Now I'm a shop assistant. Interests: I like such activities as reading, drawing and watching TV. 1. ______ has lived in America for the longest time among the four persons. A. Kalumi B. Carolina C. Claude 2. ______ used to be teachers in their own countries. A. Li Ming and Claude B. Li Ming and Carolina C. Kalumi and Claude 3. Of the four persons, ______ has a big family. A. Claude B. Carolina C. Kalumi 4. ______ like sports. A. Claude and Li Ming B. Carolina and Kalumi C. Li Ming and Carolina 5. These persons will ______ together. A. draw pictures B. study in the same class C. teach English
