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阅读理解. A British student writing for the Guardian's website recently attracted the criticism of thousands of readers with his very first post. Max Gogarty, 19, had started a blog about his trip to India and Thailand. The idea was not paiticularly original and. in many people's view, the writing wasn't either.Within minutes, people began to post negative comments:'l've been more entertained cleaning mould from my fridge than I was reading your first post. ' So how did Max land his job? The Guardian's online community soon reached their own conclusion :' Great to see nepotism ( 任人唯亲) is alive and well.'said one poster. Max's father is a travel writer who had previously published work in the Guardian. Within minutes, one poster had provided a link to an article from 2002 , in which Max's dad writes about a trip to Thailand with his family. Many were quick to suppose Max had used his father's connections to get his job. By the end of the next day, the criticism was so heavy that the blog was closed, but the damage had been done. From Facebook to Wikipedia. social networking and gossip websites all over the Internet were discussing Max's case. Max's experience highlights the difference between traditional media and the Internet. As online community specialist DanWilsonwritesinhisblog: ' Inthe blogosphere respect comes from below. Readers have power and opinions that count. You've got to be real and attractive to the people who read you. ' Part of the reason for this is that falsehoods and half-truths canbe exposed(曝光) immediately online.For example, the Guardian's travel editor attempted to defend publishing the story. He said he'd called Max because of his track record and talent. But then one reader pointed out: ' Didn't you post yesterday sayingMax got in touch with us because he writes occasionally for the TV program Skins'? Are you a liar?' What we can learn here is to be careful when we read and write online. Always be sure to think about why a person might be writing something, and don't necessarily believe what we read. Title:______ ___2__ Max Gogarty recently receiving__3__with his first blog about his trip to India and Thailand Reasons ◆ Posters considering Max's idea and writing__4__ ◆ Posters believing Max to have got his job through __5__ ◆ Falsehoods and half-truths can be uncovered soon online. __6__ Traditional media and the Internet are different. __7__ ◆The blog : closed ◆The case :__8__all over the Internet __9__ ◆ __10__ what we read and write online. ◆Don't necessarily believe what we read.


