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Text 1

While it is generally agreed that the power of large companies extends beyond the economic sphere, this influence is difficult to measure in any objective way. The processes of business entail at least some effort to ensure the sympathetic enactment and enforcement of legislation, since costs and earnings are affected by tax rates and government regulations. Companies and business groups send agents to local and national capitals and use such vehicles as advertising to enlist support for policies that they favor. Although, in many countries, companies may not legally contribute directly to candidates running for public office, their executives and stockholders may do so as individuals, Companies may, however, make payments to influence peddlers and contribute to committees working to pass or defeat legislative proposals. In practical terms, many lawmakers look upon companies as part of their constituency although, if their districts depend on local plants, these lawmakers may be concerned more with preserving jobs than with protecting company profits. In any case, limited-liability companies are central institutions in society; it would be unrealistic to expect them to remain aloof from the political process that affects their operations, performance, and principles.
The decisions made by company managements have ramifications throughout society. In effect, companies can decide which parts of the country or even which parts of the world will prosper and which will decline by choosing where to locate their plants and other installations. The giant companies not only decide what to produce but also help to instill in their customers a desire for the amenities that the companies make available. To the extent that large firms provide employment, their personnel requirements determine the curricula of schools and universities. For these reasons, individuals’ aspirations and dissatisfactions are likely to be influenced by large companies. This does not mean that large business firms can influence the public in any way they choose; it is simply that they are the only institutions available to perform certain functions. Automobiles, typewriters, frozen food, and electric toasters must come from company auspices if they are to be provided at all. Understanding this dependence as a given, companies tend to create an environment congenial to the conduct of their business.
Text 1According to the passage, which statement is true

The power of large companies is usually confined in the economic sphere.
The operations of large companies are thoroughly controlled by government regulations.
It is illegal for any large company to influence the enforcement of legislation.
Large companies cannot be free from the influence of political processes.



【单选题】The onset of a new generation of computer attacks was marked by () A. an organization of gangs B. the infection of PCs C. the sale of a software D. a website’s vanishing

The "MyDoom" virus could presage a generation of computer attacks by organised gangs aiming to extract ransoms from online businesses, experts said yesterday.
The warning came as the website run by SCO, a company that sells Unix computer software, in effect disappeared from the web under a blizzard of automated attacks from PCs infected by the virus, which first appeared a week ago.
The "MyDoom-A" version of the virus is reckoned to be the worst to have hit the internet, in terms of the speed of its spread, with millions of PCs worldwide believed to be infected. Such "zombie" machines begin to send out hundreds of copies of the virus every hour to almost any e-mail address in their files.
On Sunday they began sending automated queries to SCO’s website, an attack that will continue until 12 February. The attack is the web equivalent of ringing the company’s doorbell and running away a million times a second, leaving its computers unable to deal with standard requests to view its pages.
"You have to wonder about the time limit," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at the antivirus company Sophos. "Someone could go to SCO after the 12th and say, ’If you don’t want this to happen again, here are our demands’." Raimund Genes, European president of the security software firm Trend Micro, said: "Such a programme could take out any major website on the internet. It’s not terrorism, but it is somebody who is obviously upset with SCO"
SCO has earned the enmity of computer users through a lawsuit it has filed against IBM. SCO claims ownership of computer code it says IBM put into the free operating system Linux, and is demanding licence fees and damages of $1bn.
Mr. Cluley said: "It might be that whoever is behind this will say to SCO, ’if you don’t want the next one to target you, drop the lawsuit’." SCO has offered $250,000 (£140,000) for information leading to the arrest of the person or people who wrote and distributed MyDoom.
Nell Barrett, of the security company Information Risk Management, said, "I would give a lot of credence to the idea of gangs using viruses to extort money. It’s hard for law enforcement to track them down, because they’re using machines owned by innocent people."
A second variant of MyDoom will start attacking part of Microsoft’s website later today. The antivirus company MessageLabs said it had blocked more than 16 million copies of the virus in transit over the net so far. But millions more will have reached their targets.

【单选题】Which of the following statements is TRUE() A.After the writer had arrived in India he spent years looking for a certain village. B.While the writer was looking for a "typical" village, the villagers ...

I came to India a year ago to find a village in which I could live and write, but it was many months before I settled down.
I wasted a lot of time looking for the "typical" village. Yet no such thing exists. Often the villagers themselves were puzzled. Why had I come I had put aside my work as a newspaper reporter because my ideas had changed. I had come to believe that what was happening in the developing countries was more important than anything else. But to understand how three-quarters of the world’s people live, and how their future might affect ours, I felt that I first had to try and share their way of life.
In the end I chose a mountain village because it was a little cooler than those in the plains. I took the bus from town along a rough road. Then came a rough walk down a path to the river. After this I began the climb into the hills. Every time I stopped to catch my breath, there was a wonderful sight After several hours walk the village was in sight.