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A: Hey, what's your plan for this Sunday? B: How about 1 (去野餐) ? The weather forcast says it will be sunny this Sunday. C: 2 (好主意) . Where shall we go? A: I think the East Lake is a good choice. It's beautiful and quiet. B: OK. Then how can we get there? By bike? Take a bus? C: We'd better take a bus. A: So 3 (我们都同意) . B: we have to prepare some food. C: I'll ask my mum to make some hamburgers. A: I agree. I'll bring some drinks, green tea, black tea,juice or cola? B: What about bringing 4 (一副牌) ? C: Sounds like a good idea. A: Then I'll bring some fruit. Oh, don't forget to bring some plastic bags. We can't 5 (扔垃圾)everywhere. B: No problem.
