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The Polish take great pride in their culture.Our culture has many different customs and traditions.I will discuss three of these traditions and customs. The Polish will say “Dziekuje (thank you)” only after receiving their change.What I mean by this is that when you are in Poland , you should wait to say “thank you” until after you have been given your change back.If you do not , you are telling cashiers that they can “keep the change” . Often , people visiting Poland will feel that things are very expensive , until they learn that they are giving the store clerk permission to keep the money that would have been given back. Polish people break “bread” with their families during their Christmas Eve meal.The Christmas Eve celebration starts with the breaking of the Oplatek , which is a thin piece of “bread” . In my family , the eldest in the family (my grandfather) takes the big Oplatek and breaks it into large pieces that he then hands down to each of his four children (my aunt , uncles , and father) . Then , these family members break their pieces into smaller sizes and pass them out to their own children.Once the last piece is passed down to the youngest , we say a prayer and eat the piece of thin bread. Polish people celebrate “Imieniny” , or Name’s Day.This day is more important than one’s birthday.They often name their children after a saint ( 圣徒 ) whose birthday is closest to the date.The birth date of the saint that they were named after becomes their “new” birthday.On Name’s Day , families and friends gather together and enjoy a variety of food , drinking and dancing. As you can see , Poland has a few very unique traditions and customs.I honor my Polish culture and will pass it on to my own children because it is important to know one’s own culture. 1 . When you do shopping in Poland , ________. A . your change may be kept by cashiers B . your change will be given to you certainly C . you needn’t wait to be served D . you will get some cheap goods 2 . When breaking “bread” , ________will pass the Oplatek to the author directly. A . his grandfather B . his aunt C . his uncle D . his father 3 . In Poland , “Imieniny” is a day to________. A . celebrate Christmas B . miss families and friends C . celebrate one’s new birthday D . celebrate an anniversary 4 . What’s the author’s attitude towards Polish culture? A . Indifferent. B . Negative. C . Worried. D . Supportive.




【单选题】在《蔷薇园》中,一个暴君问圣徒“怎样的修行才最有价值?”圣徒回答 ( )
