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Many police officers are putting themselves--and the public--at risk by failing to address their sleep problems and excessive fatigue, a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests.
"Of the nearly 5,000 officers surveyed, 40% screened positive for a sleep disorder, and four out of five of these individuals were undiagnosed and untreated," says lead author Dr. Charles A. Czeisler, a professor of sleep medicine at Harvard Medical School, in Boston. "This is a very important clarion call (号召,召唤) to initiate these kinds of workplace screening programs,not just in police forces but in workplaces throughout the nation."
The study is the first to examine the rate of sleep disorders among police. The participants weren’t necessarily representative of police officers as a whole, nor did the study include people in other professions. The rate among the officers in the study, however, was much higher than those seen in the general population, Dr. Czeisler says.
The long hours and irregular shifts often required in police work may partly explain the unusually high rates. Fif percent of the officers reported working 14 to 16 hours at a stretch, and roughly one-quarter worked rotating day and night shifts, which can disrupt sleep-wake cycles and lead to a condition--known as shift work disorder.
Promoting better sleep among police officers--or people in any line of work--will require dissuading (劝阻) employers,employees and the public in general from the idea that sleep deprivation is a mark of strength or dedication, says Michael A. Grandner, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology.
The study findings do offer a clue to how local governments might encourage healthy sleep habits in police officers, Dr. Czeisler says. One of the departments that participated in the survey, the Massachusetts State Police, had lower rates of sleep disorders and obesity than the study population as a whole, perhaps because the department limits pay increases to fitness testing, provides a gym in every barracks (兵营), and offers one hour of paid exercise time on every shift.
What can be inferred from Michael A. Grandner’s remark

People should stop beautifying strength or dedication.
There used to be an illusion about sleep deprivation.
The public should be persuaded to have more sleep.
People in all walks of life require better sleep.

【单选题】Many police officers are putting themselves--and the public--at risk by failing to address their sleep problems and excessive fatigue, a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association su...

Adequate exercise is very important for police officers to keep fit.
Government played the leading role in improving police officers’ health.
Physical test can effectively prevent unhealthy sleep habits in police officers.
Police officers are encouraged to exercise while on duty.

【单选题】Many police officers are putting themselves--and the public--at risk by failing to address their sleep problems and excessive fatigue, a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association su...

Police officers are inflicted with health problems.
Sleep disorders pose a great threat to public health.
Police officers deny their sleep problems and fatigue.
Sleep-deprived police officers may endanger the public.

【单选题】Many police officers are putting themselves--and the public--at risk by failing to address their sleep problems and excessive fatigue, a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association su...

Health problems have aroused national concerns.
People in workplaces are more stressful than police officers.
Sleep disorders may not be confined to police officers.
Sleep problems have become an occupational disease.

【单选题】Many police officers are putting themselves--and the public--at risk by failing to address their sleep problems and excessive fatigue, a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association su...

They can produce a great impact on police officers’ life.
They contribute to the higher rate of sleep problems.
They can increase police officers’ work efficiency greatly.
They directly lead to police officers’ poor overall health.