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What is meant (51) the word "friend" The dictionary (52) it as: "one attached to (53) by affection or esteem". Americans use the word freely -- that is, a friend may or may not be a person (54) whom there is a great attachment. A friend might be a casual acquaintance or an intimate companion. Friends may have known each other (55) childhood or they may have recently met. It is difficult to formulate a precise (56) of this word as it is used in the United States, (57) it cover many types of relationships. "My friend and I went to the show last night." "My friends gave me the name of a good doctor." "My friend consoled me when I was depressed." We hear such daily references (58) the word "friend" without knowing the quality of the friendship referred to.
It is common for Americans to have different "circles of friends" such (59) church friends, work friends, or sports friends. A person may choose not to involve members of different circles (60) the same activity. (One’s friends from the office may never meet one’s friends from the sports club.) (61) such as "office mate" and "tennis partner" (62) the segregation of friends. The office mate is a friend in the office and the tennis partner is a friend (63) the courts. People have different types of friends: one may have many good friends and one best friend. "Best friends" are usually two people of the same who have known each other () a long period of time. People usually have more casual friends than close or best friends.
Americans are geographically mobile and learn to (65) friendships easily and quickly. Approximately one (66) of every five American families moves every year. People relocate (67) they begin new jobs, (68) distant colleges, get married, have chidren or simply want a change in their lives. Perhaps as a consequence of this, people form and (69) friendships quickly. Students attending two or three universities during their undergraduate and graduate years may (70) their circles of friends several times.


【多选题】下列哪些行为应认定为抢劫罪一种罪刑的是( )


【单选题】Despite their many differences of temperament and of literary perspective, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, and Whitman share certain beliefs. Common to all these writers is their humanistic per...

show that the poet does not agree with Emerson
indicate the way the poet uses the humanist ideal to praise himself
suggest that the poet adapts the basic premises of humanism to his own individual outlook on the world
illustrate a way the poet express the relationship of the individual to the humanistic universe

【单选题】What might they have planned to do before they came to the cinema

They would finish seeing the 2 films.
They would go to a restaurant right ’after the second film.
They might have planned to go home after seeing the first film.