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The half-empty coffee cups, still standing next to their plates, tell of a morning like any other. And
yet, that grey covering of dust that everything1 tells a different story: it tells of screams, tears, terror
and2. Now the restaurant in the World Trade Center will3 again serve breakfast. And never
again will all those people go there to eat or4. So many people whose faces we associate with life
and liveliness are gone
5. So many words remain6, and so much happiness has been destroyed. In their places are
tear-stained(泪水沾湿的) faces.
My generation has seen this. On Monday, a fight with my sister, a bad grade and homework7to
be the biggest problems in the world. Tonight, so many across the country know that America's pain
is at its8 ever.
We have9 World WarⅡ. But to most of us students, that's an on a textbook10 that
would never happen today.
After all, this was a time of11 and wealth-the United States was powerful and successful. There
would be no more wars, and we were12 to live in such a time.
But when those planes13 ; when firefighters with14 on their faces ran among the parts of the
building that had fallen; when people15 for their family members; when history was unfolding before
our eyes, in full, clear color-then we knew the world had been changed.16 how many human beings
turned to ashes in a second, and seeing some jump from the buildings, I know that my generation is
growing up in a world where17 can still be evil.
But seeing those heroes risk their lives among the castle-like ruins, and seeing the18blood
donors at the hospitals, my generation has learned that tears are allowed, that mankind can also be
19 , and that the ghost of evil never20 the spirit of good.

( ) 1. A. dresses
( ) 2. A. blood
( ) 3. A. still
( ) 4. A. work
( ) 5. A. yesterday
( ) 6. A. unknown
( ) 7. A. turned
( ) 8. A. least
( ) 9. A. experienced
( )10. A. text
( )11. A. tears
( )12. A. unlucky
( )13. A. fell
( )14. A. terror
( )15. A. called
( )16. A. Knowing
( )17. A. everyone
( )18. A. unwilling
( )19. A. beautiful
( )20. A. hurt B. gets
B. surprise
B. never
B. drive
B. tonight
B. untold
B. had
B. worst
B. known
B. lesson
B. terror
B. promising
B. landed
B. surprise
B. screamed
B. Telling
B. nobody
B. eager
B. terrible
B. beat C. wears
C. laugh
C. hardly
C. play
C. last night
C. unchanged
C. got
C. best
C. read about
C. copy
C. peace
C. convenient
C. hit
C. joy
C. died
C. Hearing
C. mankind
C. happy
C. terrified
C. winsD. covers
D. cry
D. seldom
D. swim
D. this morning
D. unsaid
D. seemed
D. most
D. seen
D. page
D. health
D. lucky
D. exploded
D. smile
D. reached
D. Remembering
D. our country
D. curious
D. hopeful
D. defeats
