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One of the most interesting of all studies is the 1 of words and word origins(词源). Since languages evolve(演变) from other languages, the words of a 2 can sometimes be traced to two or three different languages. A word from one language may 3 into other languages and develop a new 4 . The word etiquette, which is of French 5 and originally meant a label or sign, passed into Spanish and 6 its original meaning. So in Spanish the word etiquette today is used to indicate a small tag 7 a store attaches to a suit, dress, or bottle. The word etiquette in French, 8 , gradually developed a different meaning. It later became the custom to 9 directions on small cards, or etiquette, as to how visitors should dress for and act during an important ceremony at the royal court. Thus, the word etiquette began to indicate a 10 of correct manners for people to follow. With this meaning, the word passed into English.
