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How to overcome academic anxiety in college Para 1 I’m standing here today to talk about something that many, or possibly all of us, have experienced more or less in college. Take a moment to think about your school life. Have you ever felt nervous about a test that’s coming up soon? Have you ever been worried about not being able to get a term paper done on time? What causes us to suffer from nerves in these and other similar situations is academic anxiety, a common emotional problem among college students. As a senior myself, l’ve once fretted ( 烦恼;发愁 ) over schoolwork: I was afraid that I might fail in a test; I panicked over deadlines ... And I’ve seen others around me face similar stress. But here Id like to say that academic anxiety in college can be effectively tackled through sound approaches. I will first talk about the current situation of academic anxiety among college students, mainly its seriousness, and then I will introduce some effective methods that students can use to fight the problem. Para 2 How serious is the problem of academic anxiety in college, and what are its consequences? The truth is that academic anxiety is prevalent in colleges and universities across the country. According to the China Youth and Children Research Association, anxiety disorders, either directly or indirectly related to academic issues, increased 8 percent between 1992 and 2005. The percentage of students who sought help at counseling centers in 2012 reached 13 percent, the highest proportion ever found. If it stays long, academic anxiety can have various negative effects. It hinders your academic performance, you unable to sleep well at night or hard to concentrate in class. In addition, it may lead to more serious psychological problems, including severe depression and suicide. Para 3 Now that we have seen how serious the problem is, lets look at what we can do to overcome the problem. I will introduce three methods - keeping things organized, room for fun activities, and developing a healthy lifestyle. Para 4 First, keep things organized. Studies show that the pressure to meet deadlines is the primary cause of academic anxiety. However, you can reduce the stress by organizing things in advance. Keep track of your schedule and give yourself more time than you will need. For example, you can mark the due dates of assignments and papers on a calendar and plan your study sessions accordingly. With good preparation, you will feel confident and motivated about finishing work on time, and hence you can achieve better performance. Para 5 Second, make room for fun activities. You should have some entertainment to "escape from textbooks once in a while. As the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." There are diverse resources on campus to explore. Sign up for a club, go to a party, or find a hobby, such as playing a sport or being part of a choir. By having some fun with other people, you can get something relaxing to do, free of the pressure to succeed. Para 6 Third, develop healthy lifestyle. It is important to eat well, get enough sleep, and do regular exercise. If you have to stay up all night on certain occasions, then you should make time to get a few extra hours sleep the next night. A healthy lifestyle will help you stay energetic, decrease jitters ( 忐忑不安 )and do well in class. According to a report published by Kansas State University, USA, there is a significant link between a healthy lifestyle and students' grade point average(GPA). Para 7 In conclusion, academic anxiety is a common emotional problem in college, but we can overcome it with proper strategies like being organized, sparing some time for fun and living healthily, Next time when you are about to take a test, I hope you won’t toss and turn ( 辗转反侧 ) in bed the night before, but will be able to embrace it with confidence, ease and calm, Thank you!


【单选题】______ 对于 感冒 相当于 烦恼 对于 ______

头疼 伤心
病毒 失眠
医生 朋友
药品 啤酒






头疼 伤心
病毒 失眠
医生 朋友
药品 啤酒