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Section C
Directions: In this section, there is one passage followed by 6 statements. Go over the passage quickly. For questions 66-71, mark T (for True) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; F (for False) if the statement contradicts with information given in the passage; NG (for Not Given) if the information is not given in the passage.
Questions 66-71 are based on the following passage.
The idea of helping people comes naturally to most of us. If we see a blind person getting off a bus, we watch to make sure that he is in no er of falling. Members of a family help one another, with particular care for the very young and the elderly.
There are many people who have nobody near to see their need for help and often nobody to give it even when the need is known. The old, the homeless and friendless--these are the people for whom help may not come, because nobody sees. It may not have occurred to you that you are in a position to help. Community service means helping the people around you. Organizations exist which try to make sure that someone sees when help is needed and does something about it. These organizations depend on voluntary help to carry out a wide variety of tasks, volunteers giving up a little of their spare time to lend a hand.
If you wish to take part in this worthwhile activity, what sort of things would you do Think of the people most in need of help and the ways in which help can be given. Much of the community services is concerned with the care of the elderly and the handicapped. Old people cannot always redecorate their houses. Household repairs, cleaning, preparing food or taking care of the garden may all prove difficult.
Handicapped people may be young or old. People confined to wheelchairs cannot go out unless somebody takes them. Blind children may love swimming but they need a sighted swimmer to go with them. Some handicapped people may be unable to go out at all and a visitor is then more than welcome.
What do you do if you want to help Your school may have contact with an outside organization or, indeed, run a community service scheme itself. In many towns there is a committee called the Council of Social Service and it will be able to tell you about voluntary activities in the area. The Citizens’ Advice Bureau and the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service are other sources of information, as is the public library. Churches, the Scouts and other youth organizations can tell you about their activities. If you join such a group, you will bring pleasure and hope to people who need your help. Directions:Questions 66-71 are based on the following passage.______ Special help should be given to those who cannot easily get help.




【单选题】Our brains could be hard-wired to be male or female long before we begin to grow testes(丸)or ovaries(卵巢)in the womb. This discovery might explain why some people feel trapped in a body that’s the wron...

all babies are born with genitalia that share features of both sexes
surgical correction operations at present are mainly based on guessing
in the future fewer babies will be born with ambiguous genitalia
in the future doctors may be able to decide whether a baby is to be a boy or a girl