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Once upon a time, there was a large mountainside, where an eagle’s nest rested. The eagle’s nest contained four 36 eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked (使震动) the mountain 37 one of the eggs to roll down the mountain, 38 a chicken farm, which was in the valley below. The chickens knew that they must 39 and care for the eagle’s egg, so an old hen 40 to hatch (孵) and raise the large egg. One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. 41 , however, the eagle was raised to be a(n) 42 . Soon, the eagle believed he was 43 more than a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family, 44 his spirit cried out for more. While playing a on the farm one day, the eagle looked to the skies above and 45 a group of eagles soaring (高飞) in the skies. “Oh,” the eagle 46 , “I wish I could soar like those birds.” The chickens shouted with 47 , “You cannot soar with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar.” The eagle 48 staring at his real family up above, 49 that he could be with them. Each time the eagle would let his 50 be known, he was told it couldn’t be done. That is 51 the eagle learned to believe. Slowly, the eagle 52 dreaming and continued to live his life like a chicken. 53 , after a long life as a chicken, the eagle 54 . You become what you believe you are; so if you ever dream to become an eagle, 55 your dreams, not the words of a chicken.


【单选题】The Grand Canyon Standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon(大峡谷), gazing across this giant wound in the Earth’’s surface, a visitor might assume that the canyon had been caused by some ancient convulsion...

it was caused by some ancient convulsion
its presence is an embarrassment to the state of Colorado
it looks like an injury on the Earth’s surface
it has caused many visitors to injure themselves