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German Chancellor Angela Merkel won over German voters in the Federal Election on Sept. 27. Can she now be won over by a French charm offensive (1) at repairing the relationship that was once at the heart of Europe That’s the question being asked in Paris, (2) top government officials are (3) talking about their desire to rekindle closer ties (4) their neighbors across the Rhine. (5) the end of World War II the Franco-German relationship has been the motor of European integration, the (6) force behind the creation of the European Union and, more recently, the introduction of the euro. But the ardor has (7) in this decade, particularly under Merkel, who has regularly struggled to (8) her irritation with French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s grandstanding. Sarkozy, (9) , has often been impatient with what he (10) Merkel’s lack of resolve.
The sometimes (11) personal rapport is a long way from the public shows of affection their predecessors staged, particularly Helmut Kohl and FranCois Mitterrand, who movingly held (12) in 1984 in a Verdun cemetery. There’s been tension on (13) , too. Charles Grant, director of the London-based think tank Centre for European Reform, points out that France and Germany have been (14) on issues from how best to reflate their economies during the economic (15) to the smartest strategies for dealing with Russia.
But influential movers in France are now (16) to put the relationship back on a friendlier footing. In a recent paper French think tank Institute Montaigne (17) an ambitious agenda for the two nations, (18) that a new impetus is needed if Europe’s voice is to be heard in a world (19) of big new players, such as Brazil and India, and at a time when President Obama seems fax more (20) with China and the rest of Asia than with America’s traditional allies in Europe.

【单选题】The word "groundbreaking"(Paragraph 7) can be interpreted as() A. essentially new B. pioneering C. evolutionary D. epoch-making

With only about 1,000 pandas left in the world, China is desperately trying to clone the animal and save the endangered species. That’s a move similar to what a Texas A&M University researcher has been undertaking for the past five years in a project called "Noah’s Ark".
Dr. Duane Kraemer, a professor in Texas A&M’s College of Veterinary Medicine and a pioneer in embryo transfer work and related procedures, says he salutes the Chinese effort and "I wish them all the best success possible. It’s a worthwhile project, certainly not an easy one, and it’s very much like what we’re attempting here at Texas A&M—to save animals from extinction. "
Noah’s Ark is aimed at collecting eggs, embryos, semen and DNA of endangered animals and storing them in liquid nitrogen. If certain species should become extinct, Kraemer says there would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the species in the future.
It is estimated that as many as 2,000 species of mammals, birds and reptiles will become extinct over the next 100 years. The panda, native only to China, is in danger of becoming extinct in the next 25 years.
This week, Chinese scientists said they grew an embryo by introducing cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit. They are now trying to implant the embryo into a host animal.
The entire procedure could take from three to five years to complete.
"The nuclear transfer of one species to another is not easy, and the lack of available panda eggs could be a major problem," Kraemer believes. "They will probably have to do several hundred transfers to result in one pregnancy. It takes a long time and it’s difficult, but this could be groundbreaking science if it works. They are certainly not putting any live pandas at risk, so it is worth the effort , "adds Kraemer, who is one of the leaders of the Missyplicity Project at Texas A&M, the first-ever attempt at cloning a dog.
"They are trying to do something that’s never been done, and this is very similar to our work in Noah’s Ark. We’re both trying to save animals that face extinction. I certainly applaud their effort and there’s a lot we can learn from what they are attempting to do. It’s a research that is very much needed.

【单选题】13() A. however B. if C. while D. even though

How many different kinds of emotions do you feel You may be (1) to find that it is very hard to specify all of them. Not only (2) hard to describe in words, they are difficult to (3) . As a result, two people rarely (4) all of them. However, there are a number of (5) emotions that most people experience.
When we receive something that we want, or something happens (6) we like, we usually feel joy or happiness. Joy is a positive and powerful emotion, (7) for which we all strive. It is natural to want to be happy, and all of us (8) happiness. As a general (9) , joy occurs when we reach a (10) goal or obtain a desired object.
(11) people often desire different goals and objects, it is (12) that one person may find joy in repairing an automobile, (13) another may find joy in solving a math problem. Of course, we often share (14) goals or interests, and therefore we can experience joy together. This may be in sports, in the arts, in learning, in raising a family, or in (15) being together.
When we have difficulty (16) desired objects or reaching desired goals we experience (17) emotions such as anger and grief. When little things get in our way, we experience (18) frustrations or tensions. For example, if you are dressing to go out (19) a date, you may feel frustration when a zipper breaks or a button falls off. The more difficulty you have in reaching a goal, the more frustrated you may feel and the more angry you may become. If you really want something to happen, and you feel it (20) happen, but someone or something stops it, you may become quite angry.

【单选题】5() A.Since B.Before C.At D.For

German Chancellor Angela Merkel won over German voters in the Federal Election on Sept. 27. Can she now be won over by a French charm offensive (1) at repairing the relationship that was once at the heart of Europe That’s the question being asked in Paris, (2) top government officials are (3) talking about their desire to rekindle closer ties (4) their neighbors across the Rhine. (5) the end of World War II the Franco-German relationship has been the motor of European integration, the (6) force behind the creation of the European Union and, more recently, the introduction of the euro. But the ardor has (7) in this decade, particularly under Merkel, who has regularly struggled to (8) her irritation with French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s grandstanding. Sarkozy, (9) , has often been impatient with what he (10) Merkel’s lack of resolve.
The sometimes (11) personal rapport is a long way from the public shows of affection their predecessors staged, particularly Helmut Kohl and FranCois Mitterrand, who movingly held (12) in 1984 in a Verdun cemetery. There’s been tension on (13) , too. Charles Grant, director of the London-based think tank Centre for European Reform, points out that France and Germany have been (14) on issues from how best to reflate their economies during the economic (15) to the smartest strategies for dealing with Russia.
But influential movers in France are now (16) to put the relationship back on a friendlier footing. In a recent paper French think tank Institute Montaigne (17) an ambitious agenda for the two nations, (18) that a new impetus is needed if Europe’s voice is to be heard in a world (19) of big new players, such as Brazil and India, and at a time when President Obama seems fax more (20) with China and the rest of Asia than with America’s traditional allies in Europe.

【单选题】What would be the best title for the text() A. Drugs for Jet Lag B. The Best-selling book on Jet Lag C. Treatment for Jet Lag D. Enjoy Your Flight

Jet lag is back on the agenda for business travelers, especially as long-haul international traffic picks up again.
There is endless advice online about jet lag. Drugs are frequently mentioned, and a recent favorite is Nuvigil, used to treat excessive sleepiness. Nuvigil’s manufacturer, Cephablon, has so far not succeeded in obtaining government approval for its plan to market the drug as a remedy forjet lag.
But the approach I hear most often from long-haul travelers involves diet and preparation. " Why would you take a pill that your body then has to shake off " said Lynne Waller Scanlon, the author, with Charles F. Ehret, of Overcoming Jet Lag, which was a best seller in the mid-1980s but went out of print until she revised and republished it last year under a snappier title, The Cure for Jet Lag.
The book lays out a treatment system for jet lag based on pre-trip diet and conditioning to reset the body’s internal clock. The book suggests resetting the body clock so that it will be in sync with the time at the destination. One to three days before a trip, the authors suggest low-calorie meals. In flight, avoid or strictly limit alcohol, and use coffee or tea to persuade the body clock that it’s daytime. If it’s morning after flying all night, resist sleep and " flood your eyes with daylight " , they suggest.
While all long-haul travel can cause normal fatigue, travel across time zones causes the body to react with the most pronounced effects of jet lag, including disorientation and a general sense of discomfort.
In the last few years, the global airlines have put more emphasis on accommodating the need for in-flight sleep—at least in the business and first—class cabins, where international airlines earn most of their revenue. But at the same time, international airlines also promote extensive in-flight entertainment selections, as well as high-end menus, including quality wine lists, in premium classes. Indulging in these would seem to work against dietary treatment to combat jet lag. But Ms. Scanlon says recovery is nevertheless attainable.
" What do you do if you can’t implement this program ahead of the trip, or if you’ve blown it and had a complete debauch on the plane " she said, " Well, when you get off that plane, you get on the program right away. It may not be perfect, but you will feel much, much better.

【单选题】which of the following is used for predicting a person’s level of narcissism and self-esteem() A. Activities the subjects take apart in B. Frequency of the experimental object C. Frequency of the expe...

Social-networking sites offer users easy ways to present idealized images of themselves, even if those ideals don’t always square with their real-world personalities. Psychology researcher Soraya Mehdizadeh has discovered a way to poke through the offline-online curtain: she has used Faeebook to predict a person’s level of narcissism and self-esteem.
Mehdizadeh, who conducted the study as an undergraduate at Toronto’s York University, gained access to the Faeebook accounts of 100 college students and measured activities like photo sharing, wall postings and status updates; she also studied how frequently users logged on and how often they remained online during each session. Her findings were published recently in Cyberpsyehology, Behavior and Social Networking.
After measuring each subject using the Narcissism Personality Inventory and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Mehdizadeh, who graduated from York this past spring, discovered narcissists and people with lower self-esteem were more likely to spend more than an hour a day on Facebook and were more prone to post self-promo-tional photos ( striking a pose or using Photoshop, for example). Narcissists were also more likely to showcase themselves through status updates (using phrases like "I’m so glamorous I bleed glitter") and wall activity (posting self-serving links like " My Celebrity Look-alikes" ).
Self-esteem and narcissism are often interrelated but don’t always go hand in hand. Some psychologists believe that narcissists--those who have a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, as well as a lack of sympathy--unconsciously inflate their sense of self-importance as a defense against feeling inadequate. Not enough empirical research has been produced to confirm that link, although Mehdizadeh’s study seems to support it. Because narcissists have less capacity to sustain intimate or long-term relationships, Mehdizadeh thinks that they would be more drawn to the online world of virtual friends and emotionally detached communication.
Although it seems that Facebook can be used by narcissists to fuel their inflated egos, Mehdizadeh stops short of proclaiming that excessive time spent on Faeebook can turn regular users into narcissists. She also notes that social-networking sites might ultimately be found to have positive effects when used by people with low self-esteem or depression. "If individuals with lower self-esteem are more prone to using Facebook," she says, "the question becomes, ’ Can Facebook help raise self- esteem by allowing patients to talk to each other and help each other in a socially interactive environment’ I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing that people with low self-esteem use Facebook.