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听力原文:W: Are you all prepared for your Speech Club introduction this evening? M: Yeah, I'm going to talk about robots. W: Robots? You mean, those machines that walk and talk like in the movies? M: No, industrial robots, like those used in auto and electronic industries. W: Come to think of it, I saw an article about that kind of robot the other day. There were pictures of robots joining cars, but they certainly didn't look the way I thought robot should look. M: The robots we usually imagine are made up in science fictions. In industry robots are designed to do a specific set of operations, such as joining car frames. They are rarely built to resemble humans. W: Actually, all they need is a kind of brain to give signals, and a mechanical appliance such as an arm to carry out instructions, right? M: Right ! Tiny computers become the brains of these robots. The computers send signals in the form. of electrical signals that move an arm and something like our fingers. Those fingers do particular kinds of work. W: OK. But we have had machines on the assembly line doing work for people for years. That's what started the Industrial Revolution, remember? M: But each of those machines can only perform. a single operation and it takes months to modify them. The new industrial robots can do a number of tasks and it's easy to reprogram them to perform. totally different operations. That's one reason why they're becoming so popular. W: They increase productivity too, don't they? Even though they are still quite expensive, I imagine robots will be used more and more. M: Exactly. So now that you know all about the next Industrial Revolution. You don't have to come to Speech Club tonight. What are the speakers talking about?


【单选题】听力原文:M: I still don't understand what it is that you are talking about. What is feminism anyway? Does it mean you don't want to marry me anymore? W: I'm not sure I can give you perfect dictionary defi...

Wives and husbands doing exactly the same thing.
Equality of the sexes.
Husbands earning enough money to support their families.
Wives making exactly as much money as their husband.