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【单选题】Which of the following mainly caused the present situation of the installation of Green Dam() A. Private sector complaints. B. The domestic uproar. C. Pressure from foreign government. D. PC-makers’ c...

China has agreed to delay today’s deadline for personal computer makers to put controversial internet filtering software on all new computers in the country following a storm of protests at home and abroad.
"Depending on the concrete situation, they can pre-install the program later," the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said last night in a statement issued through Xinhua. the official news agency.
The last-minute climb down, which averts the threat of fines for computer makers, follows Beijing’s order to PC makers last month to start pre-installing Green Dam/Youth Escort-domestically developed net nanny software. The move led to security concerns among PC makers and outrage among Chinese internet users.
The domestic uproar was the largest factor in forcing the delay, followed by private sector complaints and pressure from governments abroad, said one person involved in coordinating the response.
Complete reversals by the Chinese authorities are rare, and the computer industry was optimistic that the requirement would instead be allowed to fade away. Executives were especially encouraged that the government skipped an anticipated fallback position requiring the companies to at least include the software on a separate disk.
As of yesterday, staff at Chinese electronics retailers said they had received no PCs fitted with Green Dam, and that there was no chance that PC makers would comply with today’s deadline.
The MIIT said in a round of consultations on Green Dam in March that it had received "broad support" from PC makers. According to the ministry, the software has since been downloaded more than 7m times, including installations on internet cafe and school computers.
A series of independent tests has since found that the software has broader censorship functions and could make PCs vulnerable to spying attacks and destabilize their systems.
Rebecca MacKinnon, a Hong Kong journalism professor and expert on Chinese censorship, said the move offered an important lesson for the online world. "There’s been this impression in the internet industry that when the Chinese government makes a demand, they have to roll over and play dead. The lesson here is that’s not necessarily the case," she said.
So far Acer, the world’s third-largest PC maker, has been the only company to openly say that it expects to have to comply with the order to pre-install Green Dam.
Dell, the number two computer-maker, said: "We respect the Chinese government’s stated goal of protecting children," said spokesman David Frink.
Hewlett-Packard (HP) had no immediate comment.

【单选题】Which of the following statement is NOT true() A. Chinese government seldom canceled its demand completely. B. The pre-installation of Green Dam led to security concerns among PC makers. C. Computer m...

China has agreed to delay today’s deadline for personal computer makers to put controversial internet filtering software on all new computers in the country following a storm of protests at home and abroad.
"Depending on the concrete situation, they can pre-install the program later," the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said last night in a statement issued through Xinhua. the official news agency.
The last-minute climb down, which averts the threat of fines for computer makers, follows Beijing’s order to PC makers last month to start pre-installing Green Dam/Youth Escort-domestically developed net nanny software. The move led to security concerns among PC makers and outrage among Chinese internet users.
The domestic uproar was the largest factor in forcing the delay, followed by private sector complaints and pressure from governments abroad, said one person involved in coordinating the response.
Complete reversals by the Chinese authorities are rare, and the computer industry was optimistic that the requirement would instead be allowed to fade away. Executives were especially encouraged that the government skipped an anticipated fallback position requiring the companies to at least include the software on a separate disk.
As of yesterday, staff at Chinese electronics retailers said they had received no PCs fitted with Green Dam, and that there was no chance that PC makers would comply with today’s deadline.
The MIIT said in a round of consultations on Green Dam in March that it had received "broad support" from PC makers. According to the ministry, the software has since been downloaded more than 7m times, including installations on internet cafe and school computers.
A series of independent tests has since found that the software has broader censorship functions and could make PCs vulnerable to spying attacks and destabilize their systems.
Rebecca MacKinnon, a Hong Kong journalism professor and expert on Chinese censorship, said the move offered an important lesson for the online world. "There’s been this impression in the internet industry that when the Chinese government makes a demand, they have to roll over and play dead. The lesson here is that’s not necessarily the case," she said.
So far Acer, the world’s third-largest PC maker, has been the only company to openly say that it expects to have to comply with the order to pre-install Green Dam.
Dell, the number two computer-maker, said: "We respect the Chinese government’s stated goal of protecting children," said spokesman David Frink.
Hewlett-Packard (HP) had no immediate comment.

【单选题】A.A B.B C.C D.D


【单选题】根据以上资料,下列说法正确的是()Ⅰ.2006年9月份,经济适用房投资增长最快;Ⅱ.商品房空置面积增加是因为大批开发商将房子预留而不销售;Ⅲ.2006年7月到8月,房地产开发景气指数呈上升趋势。 A.Ⅰ B.Ⅰ、Ⅱ C.Ⅲ D.都不正确

——房地产开发投资分类指数为101.68,比9月份下降0.04点,比2005年10月份上升 0.82点。2006年1~10月份,全国完成房地产开发投资14611亿元,同比增长24.1%。完成商品住宅投资10268亿元,同比增长28.4%。其中,经济适用房投资468亿元,增长9.8%。
——土地开发面积分类指数为101.60,比9月份上升0.73点,比2005年10月份上升 6.15点。2006年1~10月份,全国房地产开发企业完成开发土地面积18391万平方米,同比增长38.6%。
——房屋施工面积分类指数为103.39,比9月份下降0.12点,比2005年10月份下降 0.08点。2006年1~10月份,全国房地产开发企业累计完成房屋施工面积16.98亿平方米,同比增长18.8%。其中,住宅施工面积13.26亿平方米,增长19.6%;办公楼施工面积6525万平方米,增长13.0%;商业营业用房施工面积2.07亿平方米,增长13.6%。