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since the 1950s in 1990in 1955
over three decades in 1933
V.S. Naipaul, a writer in search of roots and winner of Nobel Prize for literature in 1999, was born in Trinidad (1) , the son of an Indian civil servant. In his childhood, he was first educated in his hometown and then Oxford University, where he studied literature. There he met Pat and they got married (2) . (3) , he has been based in England yet spent much time traveling around the world. Travels (4) have taken him around the world on a quest for home and for roots. Sir V.S. Naipaul, now 69, was knighted (授以爵位) by Queen Elizabeth (5) . A critic wrote the following about him: "(He is) the wanderer who tries to go home, but is not taken in and is accepted by another home only so long as he admits he is a lodger there."
