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All it took was a slice of Xinjiang cake to spark heated debates online over China's policy on ethnic(民族的)minorities .
Since Monday,qiegao(cut cake) has been a trending topic on Sina Weibo, China’s main Twitter-like microblogging service.
The cake was a reference to Xinjiang’s famed nut cake, sometimes known by its old Turkic name baklava, a popular pastry across Central Asia and the Middle East. In Xinjiang, they are sold by Uygur vendors(小贩)on tricycles who are known to charge dubious prices depending on the time and season.
The ethnic flare-up started after the Yueyang police from Hunan province posted a message on their official Weibo account. It reported a dispute in Pingjiang countyover an overpriced piece of nut cake between a Xinjiang Uygur vendor and a villager named 'Ling'.
Villager Ling got into a fight with a Uygur due to a misunderstanding. The verbal dispute ually escalated into a fight and then a mass fight. As a result, two people were injured and Xinjiang nut cakes worth about 160,000 yuan (US$25,000) were destroyed. The total damage was worth 200,000 yuan which included a broken motorcycle and injuries to people. Local police have detained(扣留) Ling. The 16 Uygur sellers were dully compensated and sent back to Xinjiang.
'Yueyang police incident' quickly became one of the most popular topics on Weibo. Yueyang police removed the post shortly after. As of Tuesday night, the topic was still amassing more than 66,000 hits.
The incident is just one of many similar cases of ethnic tensions across China, notably in Xinjiang province, where deeply entrenched social and racial frictions between the dominant ethnic Han Chinese and minority Uygur Muslims occasionally spark violence. Many Uygurs living in major Chinese cities are viewed by locals as thieves, crooks and even terrorists.
小题1:Which of the following is true?A.The dispute is between a Xinjiang Uygur vendor and a policeman.B.Nut cake is a popular pastry across East Asia and the Middle East. C.The prices of Baklava will change according to the time and season.D.The demand of the 16 Uygur sellers were refused and they were sent back to Xinjiang.小题2:How much did the broken motorcycle cost?A.160,000 yuan B.200,000 yuanC.40,000yuanD.We don’t know小题3: What’s the best title of the passage?A.World's most expensive baklava.B.Ethnic tensions across China.C.Pay attention to the UygursD.Misunderstanding caused by a fight小题4: What can we infer from the passage?A.Yueyang police are afraid of the Xinjiang Uygur vendorB.It’s not the only ethnic tension across China,C.Many Uygurs living in major Chinese cities are viewed by locals as thieves, crooks and even terrorists.D.Villager Ling got into a fight with a Uygur due to a misunderstanding.小题5: Where is this passage probably from?A.Microblogging.B.Textbook.C.Newspaper.D.Article.
