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I work as a postal letter carrier in Charlotte. One day several years ago, I drove up to a1 . Christy, the
young divorcee (离了婚的人)who lived there, was waiting by the roadside. She said that she had a2to
tell me.
About six months3it seemed that I had4 a letter to her which had her street5on it but was
addressed to another house with the6number on a different street in her neighborhood. She decided to
drop off the letter to the correct house.
It turned out that the letter had been7for Johnson, who happened to be8. They talked for a little
while and later on he9 . Then they started dating (约会) and had been going10together ever since.
I felt sorry for delivering the letter wrong, but I was11that I had brought these nice people together.
A few months later a(n)12sign went up in Christy`s yard. and then the wedding13were sent out.
Soon the house was sold,the wedding happened,14Christy, with her kids, moved into Johnson`s house.
A few months later, I saw a For Sale sign in15yard. I feared the16might be trouble, so I made up a(n)
17to go to their door and check on them.
Christy opened the door,smiled broadly, and18to her huge stomach 'We are having twins!' she said,
'This house won`t be big enough, so we have to19 .'
I suddenly realized that my one20letter was now giving two little yet-to-be-born people a shot at life.
( )1. A.telephone
( )2. A.story
( )3. A.after
( )4. A.sent
( )5. A.mark
( )6. A.correct
( )7. A. provid ed
( )8. A.
( )9. A.left
( )10. A. out
( )11. A.amazed
( )12. A.At Sale
( )13. A.arrangements
( )14. A.but
( )15. A.her
( )16. A. friendship
( )17. A.apology
( )18. A.pointed
( )19. A.change
( )20. A.described B. mailbox
B. notice
B. earlier
B. written
B. sign
B. wrong
B. prepared
B. single
B. invited
B. in
B. pleased
B. At Sales
B. preparations
B. and
B. his
B. connection
B. trouble
B. attended
B. settle
B. misdeliveredC. school
C. fact
C. later
C. delivered
C. board
C. same
C. inferred
C. lonely
C. called
C. away
C. surprised
C. On Sale
C. invitations
C. while
C. my
C. marriage
C. excuse
C. contributed
C. separate
C. lost D. shop
D. message
D. before
D. given
D. number
D. different
D. intended
D. free
D. introduced
D. off
D. interested
D. For Sale
D. announcements
D. until
D. their
D. wedding
D. regret
D. tried
D. move
D. delayed


