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GWho had gas masks()

B.A part of the protestors.
C.The policemen.
D.Both B and

The police fired tear gas and arrested more than 5,000 passively resisting protestors Friday in an attempt to break up the largest antinuclear demonstration ever staged in the United States. More than 135,000 demonstrators confronted the police on the construction site of a1,000-megawatt nuclear power plant scheduled to provide power to most of Southern New Hampshire. Organizers of the huge demonstration said that the protest was continuing despite the police actions. More demonstrators were arriving to keep up the pressure on state authorities to cancel the project. The demonstrator had charged that the project was unsafe in the densely populated area, would create thermal pollution in the bay, and had no acceptable means for disposing of its radioactive wasters. The demonstrations would go on until the jails and the courts were so overloaded that the state judicial system would collapse.
Governor Stanforth Thumper insisted that there would be no reconsideration of the power project and no delay in its construction set for completion in three years. "This project will begin on time and the people of this state will begin to receive its benefits on schedule. Those who break the law in misguided attempts to sabotage the project will be dealt with according to the law," he said. And the police called in reinforcements from all over the state to handle the distces.
The protests began before dawn Friday when several thousand demonstrators broke through the police lines around the cordoned-off construction site. They carried placards that read "No Nukes is Good Nukes," "Sunpower, Not Nuclear Power," and "Stop Private Prof-its from Public Peril. " They defied police order to move from the area. Tear gas canisters fired by the police failed to dislodge the protestors who had been prepared with their own gas masks or facecloths. Finally the gas-masked and helmeted police charged into the crowd to drag off the demonstrators one by one. The protestors did not resist the police, but refused to walk away under their own power. Those arrested would be charged with unlawful assembly, trespassing, and disturbing the peace.


a.当用户查询“选了课程2的学生数”时,其结果应为 (59) ;当Students和SC关系进行自然连接时,其结果集的属性列数应为 (60)
SELECT Sno, (61)
(62) >1;

【单选题】(72)处应填()。 A.views B.diagrams C.user views D.structure pictures

It should go without saying that the focus of UML is modeling. However, what that means, exactly, can be an open-ended question. (71) is a means to capture ideas, relationships, decisions, and requirements in a well-defined notation that can be applied to many different domains. Modeling not only means different things to different people, but also it can use different pieces of UML depending on what you are trying to convey. In general, a UML model is made up of one or more (72) . A diagram graphically represents things, and the relationships between these things. These (73) can be representations of real-world objects, pure software constructs, or a description of the behavior of some other objects. It is common for an individual thing to show up on multiple diagrams; each diagram represents a particular interest, or view, of the thing being modeled. UML 2.0 divides diagrams into two categories: structural diagrams and behavioral diagrams. (74) are used to capture the physical organization of the things in your system, i. e. , how one object relates to another. (75) focus on the behavior of elements in a system. For example, you can use behavioral diagrams to capture requirements, operations, and internal state changes for elements.

【单选题】BIn the 1910’s Hollywood became a (). A.famous theatre B.good place to have holidays C.film center D.home for stars

Ranch. It was near Los Angeles in California. A few years later Hollywood was one of the famous places in the world. At the beginning of the 20th century there was a big farm called Hollywood. From the 1910’s to the 1950’s, Hollywood was the film center of the world.
Every family knew the names of its film stars——Charlie Chaplin, Greta Garbo, Bergman and hundreds more.
The reason why people went to Hollywood to make films was the sun. At first, people made films in New York on the east coast of the United States.
But then they heard about Los Angeles, where there are 350 days of the sun every year. As they made all the films by sunlight, the west coast was a much better place to work. Also near Hollywood you can find mountains and sea and desert. They did not have to travel far to make any kind of film.
When TV became popular, Hollywood started making films for television. Then in the1970’s they discovered people still went to the cinema to see big expensive films. Nowadays they are still making films in Hollywood and people see them all over the world.

【单选题】FHow does the writer feel about the business she runs() A.It’s the biggest company in the world. B.It will possibly be more successful. C.It’s one of the most successful businesses. D.It is the only c...

When I opened the first "Body Shop" in 1976, what I wanted to do was to earn(挣) enough money to feed my children. Today the "Body Shop" is a great company growing fast all around the world. In the years since we began, I have learned a lot. Much of what I have learned will be found in this book, because I believe that we, as a company, have something worth saying about how to run a successful business without giving up what you really believe in.
It’s not an ordinary business book. It is not just about my life, either. The message is that to succeed in business you have to be different. Business can be fun, and can be run with love and do good. In business, as in life, I need to enjoy myself, to have a feeling of my family and to feel excited by something unusual. I have always wanted the people who work for the "Body Shop" to feel the same way.
Now this book sends these ideas out into the world, and makes them public. I’d like to think there are no limits(界限) to our "family", and no limits to what can be done. I find that an exciting thought. I hope you do, too.

【单选题】(37)处应填()。 A.2i B.2i-1 C.2i+1 D.2i+2

满二叉树的特点是每层上的结点数都达到最大值,因此对于高度为h(h>1)的满二叉树,其结点总数为 (36) 。对非空满二叉树,由根结点开始,按照先根后子树、先左子树后右子树的次序,从1、2、3、…依次编号,则对于树中编号为i的非叶子结点,其右子树的编号为 (37) (高度为3的满二叉树如下图所示)。

【单选题】(74)处应填()。 A.Activity diagrams B.Use-case diagrams C.Structural diagrams D.Behavioral diagrams

It should go without saying that the focus of UML is modeling. However, what that means, exactly, can be an open-ended question. (71) is a means to capture ideas, relationships, decisions, and requirements in a well-defined notation that can be applied to many different domains. Modeling not only means different things to different people, but also it can use different pieces of UML depending on what you are trying to convey. In general, a UML model is made up of one or more (72) . A diagram graphically represents things, and the relationships between these things. These (73) can be representations of real-world objects, pure software constructs, or a description of the behavior of some other objects. It is common for an individual thing to show up on multiple diagrams; each diagram represents a particular interest, or view, of the thing being modeled. UML 2.0 divides diagrams into two categories: structural diagrams and behavioral diagrams. (74) are used to capture the physical organization of the things in your system, i. e. , how one object relates to another. (75) focus on the behavior of elements in a system. For example, you can use behavioral diagrams to capture requirements, operations, and internal state changes for elements.

【单选题】DWhat is the main idea of this passage() A.Advertisement B.The benefits of advertisement C.Advertisers perform a useful service to communities D.The costs of advertisement

Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why they’re always coming in for criticism. Their! critics seem to resent them because they have a flair for self-promotion and because they have so much money to throw around. "It’s iniquitous," they say, "that this entirely unproductive industry (if we can call it that) should absorb millions of pounds each year. It only goes to show how much profit the big companies are making. Why don’t theystop advertising and reduce the price of their goods After all, it’s the consumer who pays ... ".
The poor old consumer! He’d have to pay a great deal more if advertising didn’t create mass markets for products. It is precisely because of the heavy advertising that consumer goods are so cheap. But we get the wrong idea if we think the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods. Another equally important function is to inform. A great deal of the knowledge we have about household goods derives largely from the advertisements we read. Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of the ones we already know about. Supposing you wanted to buy a washing machine, it is more than likely you would obtain details regarding performance, price, etc, from an advertisement.
Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim may be seriously doubted. It is hardly possible not to read advertisements these days. And what fun they often are, too! Just think what a railway station or a newspaper would be like without advertisements. Would you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or reading railway by laws while waiting for a train Would you like to read only closely printed columns of news in your daily paper A cheerful, witty advertisement makes such a difference to a drab wall or a newspaper full of the daily ration of calamities.
We must not forget, either, that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets. Newspapers, commercial radio and television companies could not subsist without this source of revenue. The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper, or can enjoy so many broadcast programs is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers. Just think what a newspaper would cost if we had to pay its full price!
Another thing we mustn’t forget is the "small ads. " which are in virtually every newspaper and magazine. What a tremendously useful service they perform for the community!Just about anything can be accomplished through these columns. For instance, you can find a job, buy or sell a house, announce a birth, marriage or death in what used to be called the" hatch, match and dispatch" column but by far the most fascinating section is the personal or "agony" column. No other item in a newspaper provides such entertaining reading or offers such a deep insight into human nature. It’s the best advertisement for advertising there is!