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在某个阶段 情感所带来的阵阵折磨 无法定义,难以名状 只能意会不能言传的感情 莫大的喜悦 丝丝的伤感 沉湎于感情 懂得爱的真实深度 有过数不清的暗恋 如肥皂泡般转瞬即逝 稚气大胆的想法和行为 真正谈情说爱的阶段 女子学校 与异往 毫无顾忌的打量 精心打扮的年轻男子 谈资 对......感到心情澎湃 爱情该来的时候自然会来 果然 有稳定的工作 比较安定的生活 不贪图许多回报而需要大量付出的感情关系 雄伟的建筑 同甘共苦相互关心 丰富的感情 情投意合 浪漫的传统派 爱情需要培养 强烈而短暂的激情 身体的愉悦 接受了理想爱情的灌输 娴静质朴的外表 卷曲的长发 恬静的气质 羞涩的目光 消逝久远的年代 维持爱情及恋爱关系的神圣性 男女之间交往界限的消退 身体的相互吸引与心灵的相投 接触 通过媒体 慢慢体会自己的感受 吹嘘,炫耀 性关系 勾勾搭搭 背负感情包袱 全然没有感情的关系 目前状况 同伴压力 费神去做...... 青少年的心理 这代人的思想倾向 处理个人的生活 在欲望的压力下扭曲 外表的美丽 内在的魅力 变得麻木不仁 爱的本质 确定人生中最重要的事情 真诚地做好每件事情 在感情上成熟 尽情做.....任意做...... 建立感情 有意义的永恒的友谊 履行承诺 终身不渝的关系 浪费时间在...... 朝秦暮楚的关系 轻佻的行为 张开双臂迎接......


【单选题】Suicide has been a cause of concern in most societies for a long time. The classical Greeks, for example, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. While this la...

Suicide has been a cause of concern in most societies for a long time. The classical Greeks, for example, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. While this law is not without humor by today’ s standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problem in times gone by. In today’ s society, suicide is much more prevalent than we want to admit. Why do people try to take their own lives
The motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure, wrath, the need for attention, stress, and so on. However, the qualities of a person who wants to take his own life change from person to person, making it difficult to depict (描写) the typical victim. To make the problem even more involved, people will often camouflage (掩盖) their true feelings, thus causing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious.
In the US, a network of centers has been created to attempt to prevent suicides. People who are bitter, worded, or depressed are encouraged to contact workers at these centers. These workers, often trained volunteers, offer benevolent advice to the callers, trying to help the callers to see that suicide as a solution to problems is an illusion. The accomplishments of these centers, insofar as their effectiveness to reduce suicide is concerned, are minimal. However, they have helped a lot of people with a variety of problems. So, in the some what amorphous (难以名状的) area of man helping his fellow man, they are certainly a success.



【单选题】Suicide has been a cause of concern in most societies for a long time. The classical Greeks, for example, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. While this la...

Suicide has been a cause of concern in most societies for a long time. The classical Greeks, for example, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. While this law is not without humor by today’ s standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problem in times gone by. In today’ s society, suicide is much more prevalent than we want to admit. Why do people try to take their own lives
The motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure, wrath, the need for attention, stress, and so on. However, the qualities of a person who wants to take his own life change from person to person, making it difficult to depict (描写) the typical victim. To make the problem even more involved, people will often camouflage (掩盖) their true feelings, thus causing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious.
In the US, a network of centers has been created to attempt to prevent suicides. People who are bitter, worded, or depressed are encouraged to contact workers at these centers. These workers, often trained volunteers, offer benevolent advice to the callers, trying to help the callers to see that suicide as a solution to problems is an illusion. The accomplishments of these centers, insofar as their effectiveness to reduce suicide is concerned, are minimal. However, they have helped a lot of people with a variety of problems. So, in the some what amorphous (难以名状的) area of man helping his fellow man, they are certainly a success.

【单选题】Suicide has been a cause of concern in most societies for a long time. The classical Greeks, for example, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. While this la...

Suicide has been a cause of concern in most societies for a long time. The classical Greeks, for example, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. While this law is not without humor by today’ s standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problem in times gone by. In today’ s society, suicide is much more prevalent than we want to admit. Why do people try to take their own lives
The motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure, wrath, the need for attention, stress, and so on. However, the qualities of a person who wants to take his own life change from person to person, making it difficult to depict (描写) the typical victim. To make the problem even more involved, people will often camouflage (掩盖) their true feelings, thus causing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious.
In the US, a network of centers has been created to attempt to prevent suicides. People who are bitter, worded, or depressed are encouraged to contact workers at these centers. These workers, often trained volunteers, offer benevolent advice to the callers, trying to help the callers to see that suicide as a solution to problems is an illusion. The accomplishments of these centers, insofar as their effectiveness to reduce suicide is concerned, are minimal. However, they have helped a lot of people with a variety of problems. So, in the some what amorphous (难以名状的) area of man helping his fellow man, they are certainly a success.



【单选题】Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and ...

People who want to take their own lives often disguise their feelings.
It is difficult to describe what kind of people tend to commit suicide.
Suicide has been a problem in most cities since ancient times.
People who commit suicide all share certain characteristics.