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阅读理解。 Dear grandma, How are you? I hope you are feeling well and your leg is improving. Can you walk a bit now? Is your neighbor, Mrs Lu, bringing you enough books to read? I hope so. You'd love our school library, grandma. There are so many books for all kinds of subjects. The other day I found a book about electronic engineering. I couldn't really understand it but I hope to learn more about this topic sometime. This term I have three new subject classes, so I thought I'd tell you about them. I now study biology, which is really interesting. I'm learning all about the human body, where everything is and what it does. Do you know that we have a kissing muscle? It's called 'orbicularis' (轮匝肌) and it's a circular muscle that closes your mouth and moves your lips forward. I love biology. It's so interesting! Another new subject is religion. I didn't think I would like this one, but actually it is very interesting to hear about how different people worship (崇拜). We are learning about lots of religions from all over the world, not only Asia. Do you know about the religion on the island of Bali in Indonesia? They have a unique religion which is based on Hinduism but also has elements of Buddhism as well. It is called Bali Hindu Dharma. I am just learning more about it but it sounds fascinating. My other new subject is Spanish. It's really difficult to learn a new language but I know it will be useful for me in the future, if I want to travel the world. Spanish is one of the official languages of the European Union and the United Nations. I've learnt that Spanish is not only spoken in Europe but in South America, too. Countries like Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Mexico also speak Spanish. You know I've always wanted to go to Mexico, so if I can speak some Spanish it would be really useful. Did you study these subjects when you were at school? I suppose subject choice changes over time, doesn't it? I'll come to visit you again in the next holiday, which I think is in eight weeks' time. I'll bring you some of my new books if you like. I hope you can write back soon and tell me all the village news. I miss you very much. Lots of love, Sara 1. Can grandma go to the library by herself? ______________________________________________________ 2. What does grandma like doing, reading books or chatting on line? ______________________________________________________ 3. How many new subjects does Sara study this term? ______________________________________________________ 4. When will Sara probably go to see her grandma? ______________________________________________________ 5. Why does Sara write this letter to her grandma? ______________________________________________________


【单选题】Rarely has there been as neat a fit between a book"s subject and its author"s biography as in "Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers, and Warriors Shaped Globalization" by Nayan Chanda. ...

Our world is not going to stop becoming smaller and smaller.
People should take the effects of globalization as granted.
It will be beneficial for all to get connected as closely as ever.
Groups rather than individuals will profit a lot from globalization.



【单选题】William Appleton, author of a recent book entitled Fathers and Daughters, believes that it is a woman’s relationship with her father (67) decides how successful she will be in her (68) life. Accord...

And the final stage comes (77) a woman reaches the age of about thirty. At this time the daughter sees her father not as a hero (78) as a fool, but learns to accept him (79) he is, for better or worse. And Daddy forgives her, too, for not being the (80) little girl he had once hoped for.
But not all daughters go through all three stages, and it is here that the key to a woman’s career (81) .Those girls who never get past the first "oasis of smiles" stage, (82) all their lives seek out their fathers’ love and approval, will never (83) in the business world. They will remain at the secretarial (秘书的) (84) all their lives.
It is only those women who get to the final stage, those who (85) and accept Daddy’s faults, who can even hope to be (86) enough and independent enough to become a candidate for top- management.

【单选题】William Appleton, author of a recent book entitled Fathers and Daughters, believes that it is a woman’s relationship with her father (67) decides how successful she will be in her (68) life. Accord...

And the final stage comes (77) a woman reaches the age of about thirty. At this time the daughter sees her father not as a hero (78) as a fool, but learns to accept him (79) he is, for better or worse. And Daddy forgives her, too, for not being the (80) little girl he had once hoped for.
But not all daughters go through all three stages, and it is here that the key to a woman’s career (81) .Those girls who never get past the first "oasis of smiles" stage, (82) all their lives seek out their fathers’ love and approval, will never (83) in the business world. They will remain at the secretarial (秘书的) (84) all their lives.
It is only those women who get to the final stage, those who (85) and accept Daddy’s faults, who can even hope to be (86) enough and independent enough to become a candidate for top- management.

