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Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition, adverb or conjunction. 1. Led by the Party, we are marching ______ victory to victory. 2. She grew _____ in comfortable surroundings, she never experienced any difficulties when she was young. 3. _____ luck would have it, I did not catch the plane that explored (爆炸) shortly after it took off. 4. He pushed his way _____ the crowd. 5. Teach a child the way we should go, and when he is old, he will not depart ______ it. 6. The airline decides to replace its small planes _____ Boeing 747s (波音 747 ). 7. He is keen _____ all kinds of alcohol (酒)— beer, whisky, and so forth. 8. The doctor diagnosed his condition_____ a stomach problem.
