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A man was1along the street when he saw a woman struggling with a large box. It was half in and half
2of her car. He was a helpful kind man, so he went up to the woman and said. 'Let me give you a hand
with the box. It looks very3 .'
'That's very kind4 you,' the woman said, 'I'm having a lot of5 with it. I think it's stuck (粘住的).'
'Together we'll soon move it,' the man said. He6into the back seat of the car and took hold of the other
end of the7. He said, 'I'm ready.' And he began to8hard.
For several minutes the man and the woman struggled with the box. Soon they were9in the face. 'Let's
rest for a minute.' The man said, 'I'm sorry, but it10stuck.' A few minutes later, the man said, 'Let's try
again. Are you ready?'11of them took hold of the box again. 'One, two, three!' the man said, and again
they12on with their struggle. At last, when they were very tired, the man said, 'You are13 . It is stuck
really. I don't think there's14we can get it out of the car.' 'Get it out of the car!' the woman cried, 'But
I'm trying to get it15 !'
( )1. A. walk
( )2. A. in
( )3. A. heavy
( )4. A. in
( )5. A. trouble
( )6. A. got
( )7. A. box
( )8. A. pull
( )9. A. white
( )10. A. goes
( )11. A. Every
( )12. A. go
( )13. A. ready
( )14. A. anything
( )15. A. out
B. walks
B. out
B. strong
B. of
B. questions
B. stepped
B. book
B. carry
B. tired
B. falls
B. All
B. going
B. right
B. anywhere
B. in
C. walking
C. on
C. dear
C. for
C. matter
C. came
C. car
C. push
C. red
C. grows
C. Either
C. goes
C. clever
C. anyone
C. off
D. walked
D. off
D. new
D. at
D. accidents
D. walked
D. street
D. lift
D. hurt
D. seems
D. Both
D. went
D. sure
D. anyway
D. into


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