刷刷题APP > 热带低气压
阅读图文材料,完成1-4题。 台风 (飓风)是指中心附近最大风力在12级及以上的热带气旋。台风多发生在夏秋季节,一般生成在温度超过26°C的开阔洋面上,从热带低气压逐渐发展壮大形成。台风能量巨大,具有可怕的推毁力。台风的破坏力主要由强风、暴雨、和风暴潮三个因素引起,具有突发性强、破坏力大的特点。我国是世界上受台风影响最大的国家之一;下图为“热带气旋源地分布示意图” (1)据图归纳热带气旋源地分布规...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean ea...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
阅读下文,完成文后各题。 2005:飓风肆虐空前 在人们担心全球变暖正使飓风加剧之际,科学家说,2005年很可能成为有记录以来飓风活动最严重的年份之一。 虽然长达6个月的热带风暴季节只过去了不到一半,专家已经在警告,正在酝酿飓风的大西洋西部今年可能生成21场强烈风暴和飓风。果真如此的话,今年风暴和飓风的数量将是自1851年有记录以来年平均数的两倍以上。 路易斯安那州立大学地理学和人类学助理教授、气...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1~7, ma...
请将气压带或风带正确名称的序号与图中的英文字母代号对应填入表格:(每空1分,共10分) ①东北信风带 ②东南信风带 ③盛行西风带(西南风) ④盛行西风带(西北风) ⑤极地东风带(东北风) ⑥极地东风带(东南风) ⑦副热带高气压带 ⑧副极地低气压带 ⑨副热带低气压带 ⑩副极地高气压带: A B C D E F G H I J
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean ea...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean ea...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean ea...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean ea...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean ea...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean ea...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean ea...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean ea...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1~7, mar...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean ea...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...
Hurricane (飓风) Hurricane is a name given to violent storms that originate over the tropical (热带的) or subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or North Pacific Ocean eas...